The Pacific War Museum was founded by Sgt. John Gerber in 2001.
Mel Gerber, the Museum’s President of the Museum, Mel Gerber said, “My late husband, John, always extended true “Guamanian Hospitality” whenever there were visiting Marines and he always enjoyed introducing them to our local food and culture.”
In 2011, John received the Magruder Award posthumously in Quantico, Virginia, the year after he passed. The Magruder Award was established in 1984 in memory of the late Colonel John H. Magruder III, USMCR, for excellence in depicting Marine Corps history in exhibits, displays, or living history in a museum or similar setting.
Mel Gerber added, “John knew that he was receiving this prestigious award, but sadly did not see that day.”
The Pacific War Museum Foundation plans to open at their new location at Freedom Park, Tamuning in 2022. With the closing of the museum doors, a new chapter unfolded. A group of Marines and Navy personnel rounded up by Steel Athletics owners, Francesca and JJ Ambrose, took up sledgehammers and pressure washers to the former concrete Greyhound dog kennels.
Sgt Christopher Martin said, “It was an honor volunteering to support The Pacific War Museum as it relocates to Tamuning. After hearing stories of the legacy that John Gerber left behind is inspiring. I’m proud to be a part of the same brotherhood and wish to keep the Marine Corps heritage alive on an island that continues to provide so much strategic value for the US Military.”
For more information about Freedom Park, please contact
Marines: Sgt Christopher Martin, Sgt Deven Downey, Sgt Gregory Arceo
Navy: LT Katherine Garza, HM3 Joseph Summers.
Steel athletics: JJ and Francesca Ambrose, Jeff Mesa, Johnny Areola. Shown here with Mela Gerber.